Course curriculum

  • 1

    Planning for Ultimate Public Speaking Success - The Fundamentals

    • 0 Promo Video The Complete Public Speaking Masterclass For Every Occasion

    • 1 Quick Wins! Appear to Speak Without Notes, Avoid Verbal Tics, Teleprompter Tricks

    • 2 Save Your Time and Energy By Using The Course This Way

    • 3 You Can Fulfill Your Exact Public Speaking Goals Once You Identify Them

    • 4 Look Supremely Comfortable and Confident Every Time You Speak

    • 6 Use the Eye Contact Tricks of the Masters

    • 7 Learn to Like and Even Love the Sound of Your Own Voice

    • 8 Starting Your Speech At Exactly the Right Spot

    • 9 Become a Five for Five 100% Speaking Success

    • 10 A Trick 1000 Times More Effective Than Practicing In Front of A Mirror

    • 11 Every Great Speaker Uses These...Every Awful Speaker Avoids These

    • 12 Professional Analysis Of Your Stories Now

    • 13 Give Life to Ideas With Your PowerPoint, Not Death

    • 14 Use 1 Idea to Make Your Slides #1

    • 15 Passing the Ultimate Public Speaking Test With Flying Colors

    • 17 Testing Your Speech With Focus Groups For Free

    • 18 More Evidence That Your Speech Is Working

    • 19 More Is Sometimes More When It Comes To Public Speaking

    • 20 Conclusion to the Core Section of This Public Speaking Course

    • 21 Road Map to the Rest of the Course

  • 2

    If You Are a Complete Beginner, You Can Start Here

    • 22 These Simple Secrets Will Make You Look Like a Public Speaking Veteran

    • 23 You Will Never Have to Be Scared, Even Though Everybody Else Is

    • 24 This Is How You Get Your Audience to Do What You Want

    • 25 Unlock the Keys to Motivating Your Audience

    • 26 Getting Feedback the Right Way to Make You Stronger

    • 27 Mastering the Easiest Public Speaking Technique of All

    • 28 Your Picture Will Be Worth More The a 1000 Words

    • 29 Only Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

    • 30 You Can Pass the Ultimate Test

    • 31 Extra-Tips-On-How-to-Get-Over-Nervousness-and-Being-Scared

  • 3

    The Body Language of Public Speaking

    • 32 Never Let These Two Classic Body Language Blunders Slow You Down

    • 33 Your Nerves Will Never Show Again in the Workplace

    • 34 You'll Never Fall for These Body Language Myths Again

    • 35 Here Is Exactly What to Do With Your Hands

    • 36 The Composed, Confident Video Star

    • 37 Never Spotlight Your Blunders and Mistakes Again

    • 38 You are Now Ready for Prime Time TV

    • 39 The Number 1 Tip for Curing Body Language Problems Is...

    • 40 The Real Way to Improve Your Body Language Confidence

    • 41 Great Body Language for Your Presentations

    • 42 PowerPoint Will Never Turn You Into a Robotic Bore Again

    • 43 Confident Briefing to Colleagues and Others

    • 44 Keynote Speeches Will Showcase Your Calm and Confidence

    • 45 Use a TelePrompTer Like a Network News Anchor

    • 46 Once Last Chance for a Body Language Personal Critique....

    • 47 Making Sure Your Clothes Are Communicating Your Positive Story

    • 48 Your Body Language Partner - The Friendly Spotter

  • 4

    Let's Get Rid of the Verbal Tics, Uh, Um, Err, Ya Know Right Now

    • 49 Master the Quickest, Easiest Way to Eliminate Verbal Tics

    • 50 Now You Know Where the Tics Come From

    • 51 You Are Not Alone

    • 52 Hit the Pin, Not the Sand Trap

    • 53 Don_t Let the Ding A Ling Get You

    • 54 You Will Avoid the Data Dump Blues

    • 54 Eliminating the Source of Your Speaking Discomfort Once and For All

    • 55 Appear More Confident By Using Smaller Words

    • 57 Never Worry About Remembering Again

    • 58 The Number 1 Tip for Eliminating Nerves

    • 59 A Focus Group To Make You Better

  • 5

    Public Speaking On Video

    • 60 The Video Advantage In All Your Proposals - Quick Win!

    • 61 Hype Versus Reality - Why Most People Never Create Simple Video

    • 62 Mastering the Human Side Of Looking and Sounding Your Best on Video

    • 63 How This course Will Improve Your Business

    • 64 Your Proposals will Stand Head and Shoulders Above Your Competitors

    • 65 Your Clients Will Find You Their Most Responsive Partner Ever

    • 66 Your Website Can Be Video-Centric

    • 67 Now You Can Answer Frequently Asked Questions Just Once!

    • 68 Talk Your Customers Through Your Whole Business Process

    • 69 Have an Even Greater Presence on YouTube

    • 70 Speak Your Thought Leadership

    • 71 Your Exciting Video Newsletters Will Outshine Text Newsletters

    • 72 Facebook Live Will Never Scare You Again

    • 73 Project Your Best Face on Skype and Zoom

    • 74 Deliver Keynote Speeches Without Ever Leaving Home

    • 75 Supercharge Your Public Relations Efforts With Video

    • 76 The Crisis Communications Secret Weapon

    • 77 Drastically Reduce Your Time Training Employees and Others

  • 6

    Eliminate Your Fear of Public Speaking

    • 78 TheNumberOneSecretTipToImprovingasaCommunicator

    • 79 Origins of Speaking Anxiety

    • 80 Fake Solutions that don't Work

    • 81 The Process of Eliminating Your Fear

    • 82 The Fear of Boring

    • 83 Rehearsing Your Presentation on Video

    • 84 Cheat the System

    • 85 Practice Makes...Comfortable

    • 86 The Confident Speakers Attitude

    • 87 Long-Term Speaking Goals

  • 7

    Public Speaking On Conference Calls (Doesn't seem like public speaking, but is)

    • 88 Never Confuse Personal Phone Use with Business Telephone Use Again

    • 89 Why Your Phone is the Best Secret Business App Ever

    • 90 Planning Your Successful Phone Environment

    • 91 Final Preparation for Your Successful Phone Meetings

    • 92 Making Sure Your Phone Passes Your Friend Test

    • 93 Planning for Winning Conference Calls

    • 94 Look Prime Time Ready for Your Video Calls

    • 95 Placing Phone Calls Like the Consummate Professional

    • 96 Always Knowing the Best Time to Call Clients and Prospects

    • 97 Now You will Never Wake Up a Client in the Middle of the Night

    • 98 Answering the Phone so Everybody Knows You are Ready for Business

    • 99 Your Clients Will Never Think You are Screaming At Them Again

    • 100 Knowing How to Sound Your Very Best - Every Time

    • 101 Being a Professional to Every Generation, Regardless of Your Own Preferences

    • 103 Best Voicemail Messages for Success

    • 104 Take 1, Take 2, Take 3 Until You Get It Right

    • 105 Never Be Busy for Clients and Bosses Again

    • 106 Making Your Phone Disappear At the Perfect Moments

    • 107 Better Than the Best Hollywood Goodbyes

  • 8

    PowerPoint Presentations Don't Have To Be Awful If You Follow These Techniques

    • 108 How to Deliver a PowrPoint Presentation Intro

    • 109 How to Deliver a PowerPoint Presentation It is Your Presentation Not a PowerPoint Presentation

    • 110 How to Deliver a PowerPoint Presentation 2 Part Test for slides

    • 111 How to Deliver a PowerPoint Not a TelePrompter

    • 112 Advanced PowerPoint and Visuals 4

    • 113 How to Deliver a PowerPoint Presentation Conclusion

  • 9

    Storytelling Is the Public Speakers Best Friend

    • 114 How to Tell Stories Overview

    • 115 Stories Are the Most Important Part of Great Speeches Public Speaking

    • 116 Message Drives Stories Public Speaking

    • 117 What is the setting for Your Story Public Speaking

    • 118 Share Your Emotions When telling Your Stories Public Speaking

    • 119 Your Speaking Stories Must Contain Dialogue Public Speaking

    • 120 What Characters and Conflicts are in Your Story Public Speaking

    • 121 How to Tell Stories Conflict

    • 122 Your Story Must have a Resolution Public Speaking

    • 123 Don_t Tell Stories, Instead RE-Live Stories Public Speaking

    • 124 How to Tell Stories Feedback from Peers

    • 125 How to Tell Stories Share on Social Media

    • 126 How to Tell Stories Feedback from Live Audiences

    • 127 How to Tell Stories Conclusion

  • 10

    Drastically Reduce How Much Time You Have to Spend Preparing Your Speeches

    • 128 How to Drastically Reduce Time Spent on Speech Preparation Intro

    • 129 How to Drastically Reduce Time Spent on Speech Presentation Goal

    • 130 How to Drastically Reduce Time Spent on Speech Preparation Brainstorming Messages

    • 131 How to Drastically Reduce Time Spent on Speech Preparation 5 Messages

    • 132 How to Drastically Reduce Time Spent on Speech Preparation Examples

    • 133 How to Drastically Reduce Time Spent on Speech Preparation Cheat Sheet

    • 134 How to Drastically Reduce Time Spent on Speech Preparation PowerPoint Projection

    • 135 How to Drastically Reduce Time Spent on Speech Preparation conclusion

  • 11

    Public Speaking While Using a Teleprompter

    • 136 How to use a TelePrompter Intro

    • 137 How to Use a Teleprompter Video Benchmark

    • 138 How to Use a TelePrompter Self-correction

    • 139 How to Use a TelePrompter 4 Key Elements

    • 140 How to Use a Teleprompter Speed

    • 141 How to Use a Teleprompter Volume

    • 142 How to Use a Teleprompter Head

    • 143 How to use a Teleprompter Pauses

    • 144 How to Use a Teleprompter All 4 Together

    • 145 How to Use a Teleprompter 2 Prompter Screens

    • 146 How to Use a Teleprompter Full Speech Practice

    • 147 How to Use a Teleprompter Politician Role Models

    • 148 How to Use a Teleprompter TV Role Models

    • 149 How to Use a Teleprompter Potential Disasters

    • 150 How to Use a Teleprompter REasons to Not use a Teleprompter

    • 152 How to Use a Teleprompter conclusion

    • 151 How to Use a Teleprompter Secrets from Reagan

  • 12

    Become a Professional Speaker And Get Paid to Speak

    • 153 intro

    • 154 How to Be a Professional Speaker Pick Your Niche

    • 155 How to Be a Professional Speaker Create Content

    • 156 How to Be a Professional Speaker Your Tribe

    • 157 How to Be a Professional Speaker Business Model

    • 158 How to be a Professional Speaker Marketing

    • 159 How to Be a Professional Speaker Fees

    • 160 How to Be a Professional Speaker Speaker Bureaus

    • 161 How to Be a Professional Speaker Platform Skills

    • 162 How to Be a Professional Speaker Conclusion

  • 13

    Speaking to Large Audiences - A Big Fear For Even Confident Speakers

    • 172 How to Speak to Large Crowds Intro

    • 173 How to Speak to Large Audiences Coping with Fear

    • 174 How to Speak to Large Crowds Don't Yell

    • 175 How to Speak to a Large Audience Eye Contact

    • 176 How to Speak to a Large Audience Longer Pauses

    • 177 How to Speak to a Large Audience PowerPoint

    • 178 How to Speak to a Large Audience Possible Outcomes

    • 179 Your Speech Goals 2

    • 180 Stories

    • 181 Practice with Video

    • 182 How to Speak to Large Audiences Conclusion

  • 14

    Introducing Yourself -Speaking About Yourself Doesn't Have to Be Awkward

    • 183 How to Introduce Yourself Intro

    • 184 How to Introduce Yourself What NOT to Do

    • 185 How to Introduce Yourself The Right Way

    • 186 How to Introduce Yourself 1st Video Rehearsal

    • 187 How to Introduce Yourself Friend Feedback

    • 188 How to Introduce Yourself Conclusion

  • 15

    TED and TEDx Talks - You Can Deliver!

    • 189 What Makes a TED Talk

    • 190 Passion for an Idea Worth Spreading

    • 191 Tell a Story

    • 192 Plan Your Visuals

    • 193 Timing is Everything

    • 194 Style AND Substance are Essential

    • 195 Video Rehearsal is the Most Important Thing

    • 196 Great Writers Read Great Writers

    • 197 Apply to Speak at TED

  • 16

    Give a Winning Sales Presentation

    • 198 How to Give a Sales Presentation Intro

    • 199 How to Give a ales Presentation Messages

    • 200 How to Give a Sales Presentation Types of Presentations

    • 201 How to Give a Sales Presentation One on One

    • 202 How to Give a Sales Presentation Goal

    • 203 How to Give a Sales Presentation 2 Common Blunders

    • 204 How to Give a Sales Presentation Conclusion

  • 17

    Public Speaking for Kids

    • 205 Public Speaking for Kids Overview

    • 206 Public Speaking for Kids Goal

    • 207 Public Speaking for Kids Top Five

    • 208 Public Speaking for Kids Passion

    • 209 Public Speaking for Kids For Example

    • 210 Public Speaking for Kids Cheat Sheet

    • 211 Public Speaking for Kids 1st Video Rehearsal

    • 212 Public Speaking for Kids 2nd Video Rehearsal

    • 213 Public Speaking for Kids 3rd Video Rehearsal

    • 214 Public Speaking for Kids Conclusion

  • 18

    Becoming a Motivational Speaker

    • 215 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Overview

    • 216 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Are You Motivating

    • 217 How to Be a Motivational Speaker What makes You Special

    • 218 How to Be a Motivational Speaker What is Your Story

    • 219 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Your Process

    • 220 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Put Video on YouTube

    • 221 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Stories for Each

    • 222 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Stagecraft

    • 223 How to be a Motivational Speaker YouTube Role Models

    • 224 How to be a Motivational Speaker Video Rehearse

    • 225 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Video Refine

    • 226 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Show to Others

    • 227 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Your Messages

    • 228 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Tell the World

    • 229 How to Be a Motivational Speaker Speaker Bureaus

    • 230 How to be a Motivational Speaker Conclusion

  • 19

    For People Who HATE Public Speaking

    • 231 Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking Overview

    • 232 Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking Conclusion

    • 233 Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking Message Points

    • 234 Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking Examples

    • 235 Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking PowerPoint

    • 236 Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking Cheat Sheet

    • 237 Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking Video Practice

    • 238 Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking Goal

  • 20

    How To Look Like You Never Have to Read a Script or Teleprompter

    • 239 How to Speak Without Notes Overview

    • 240 How to Speak without Notes Focus on 5 Points

    • 241 How to Speak without Notes Cheat Sheet

    • 242 How to Speak without Notes More Walk the Room

    • 243 How to Speak without Notes Video Rehearsal

    • 244 How to Speak without Notes Conclusion

  • 21

    Public Speaking With a Team - Team Presentations

    • 245 How to Give a Team Presentation Overview

    • 246 How to Give A Team Presentation Goal

    • 247 You Must Communicate with the Head and the Heart Public Speaking

    • 248 How to Give a Team Presentation Top 5 Messages

    • 249 Don_t Make Your Speech a Data Dump Public Speaking

    • 250 How to Give a Team Presentation Assign Topics

    • 251 How Many Points Should Your Presentation Cover Public Speaking

    • 252 How to Give a Team Presentation Individual Prep

    • 253 Writing a Speech Public Speaking

    • 254 How to Give a Team Presentation Group PowerPoint

    • 256 How to Give a Team Presentation 1st Rehearsal

    • 258 How to Give a Team Presentation 2nd Rehearsal

    • 259 How to Avoid Making a Bad Impression during Presentations Public Speaking

    • 260 How to Give a Team Presentation 3rd Rehearsal

    • 261 Should I Rehearse My Speech and for how long Public Speaking

    • 257 How to Eliminate Nervousness for public speaking Public Speaking

    • 262 How to Give a Team Presentation Conclusion

  • 22

    Public Speaking On Panels

    • 263 How to Make a Speech in a Business Setting Public Speaking

    • 264 How to Present on a Panel Overview

    • 265 How can I find out whether my presentation Public Speaking

    • 266 How to Present on a Panel Ground Rules

    • 267 How to start a speech Public Speaking

    • 268 How to Present on a Panel Top Three Messages

    • 269 How to Manage Time When Giving a Presentation Public Speaking

    • 270 How to Present on a Panel Stories for Panelists

    • 271 How to Make Your Presentation Memorable Public Speaking

    • 272 How to Present on a Panel Sitting Standing Notes

    • 273 Public Speaking Rules You Should Never Break Public Speaking

    • 274 How to Present on a Panel Look at Panelists

    • 275 How Long Should My Speech Be Public Speaking

    • 276 How to Present on a Panel Record Actual Presentation

    • 277 tell ’em what I’m gonna tell ’em, tell ’em, Public Speaking

    • 278 How to Present on a Panel Conclusion

    • 279 How do I know what messages and topics will be Public Speaking

  • 23

    Speaking on the Elevator - Deliver a Great Elevator Pitch

    • 280 How to Prepare a Speech Public Speaking

    • 281 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch Intro

    • 282 How to Pace a Speech Public Speaking

    • 283 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch Goal

    • 284 How to Close a Speech Public Speaking

    • 285 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch One Big Idea

    • 286 How to Put Your Audience at Ease Public Speaking

    • 287 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch Simplify

    • 288 How to Give a Formal Speech Public Speaking

    • 289 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch Role Models

    • 290 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch 2 Key Questions

    • 291 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch The Giveaway

    • 292 How to Speak with Confidence Public Speaking

    • 293 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch Watch Bad Elevator Pitches

    • 294 What to Do if You Don't Like Your Voice Public Speaking

    • 295 How to Deliver an Elevator Pitch Conclusion

    • 296 How to Start a Speech with an Icebreaker Public Speaking

  • 24

    Speaking to Raise Money - Fundraising Presentations

    • 312 Animation, Video and Special Affects in PowerPoint Presentations Public Speaking

    • 313 Fundraising Overview

    • 314 How to Black Out Your Screen During a PowerPoint Presentation Public Speaking

    • 315 Fundraising Message

    • 316 There is No Such Thing as a PowerPoint Presentation Public Speaking

    • 317 Fundraising You are the message

    • 318 PowerPoint Presentation Tip, Don't Use Builds Public Speaking

    • 319 Fundraising Will You Help

    • 320 How to Make a Speech Powerful and Persuasive Public Speaking

    • 321 Fundraising The Specific Amount

    • 322 How to Introduce Another Speaker Public Speaking

    • 323 Fundraising By a Specific Date

    • 324 How to Make an Acceptance Speech Public Speaking

    • 325 Fundraising Will You Raise Funds

    • 326 Fundraising Will You Raise a Specific Amount

    • 327 How to Speak in Front of a Big Crowd Public Speaking

    • 328 Fundraising Will You Raise it by a Specific Date

    • 329 How to Keep Your Audience_s Attention Public Speaking

    • 330 Fundraising Rinse and Repeat

    • 331 Why You Should Never Memorize a Speech Public Speaking

    • 332 Fundraising Video Rehearsal

    • 333 How to Prepare and Use Notes in a Speech Public Speaking

    • 334 Fundraising Conclusion

    • 335 Stories Are the Most Important Part of Great Speeches Public Speaking

  • 25

    Public Speaking to Investors - Investor Pitches

    • 336 Message Drives Stories Public Speaking

    • 337 Feedback

    • 338 What is the setting for Your Story Public Speaking

    • 339 What Characters and Conflicts are in Your Story Public Speaking

    • 340 Investment Pitch Core Messages

    • 341 Your Speaking Stories Must Contain Dialogue Public Speaking

    • 342 Investment Pitch Common Blunders

    • 343 Your Story Must have a Resolution Public Speaking

    • 344 Investment Pitch The Power Point Deck

    • 345 Share Your Emotions When telling Your Stories Public Speaking

    • 346 Investment Pitch Prototype

    • 347 Don't Tell Stories, Instead RE-Live Stories Public Speaking

    • 348 Investment Pitch Passion

    • 349 How to Use use whiteboards, flip charts, in presentations Public Speaking

    • 349 How to Use use whiteboards, flip charts, in presentations Public Speaking

    • 350 Investment Pitch Conclusion

    • 351 How Should You Ask to Be Introduced Public Speaking

  • 26

    Public Speaking to Foreign Audiences

    • 352 Should I read my speech so that I don’t make any mistakes Public Speaking

    • 353 Speaking to Foreign audiences Overview

    • 354 How do I remember what to say in a presentation Public Speaking

    • 355 Speaking to Foreign Audiences Prep

    • 356 How to Handle Questions from the Audience Public Speaking

    • 357 Speaking to Foreign Audiences Culture

    • 358 How to Handle a Heckler Public Speaking

    • 359 Speaking to Foreign Audiences Speak Slowly

    • 360 What to Do if You_re Losing Your Audience Public Speaking

    • 361 Speaking to Foreign Audiences Handouts

    • 362 How to Keep Your Speech from Being Boring Public Speaking

    • 363 Speaking to Foreign Audiences Working the Room

    • 364 How to Recover from a Memory Lapse during a Speech Public Speaking

    • 365 Speaking to Foreign Audiences Conclusion

    • 366 How to Smile during a Speech Public Speaking

  • 27

    Public Speaking in Workplace Meetings

    • 378 How to Give a Technical Speech Public Speaking

    • 379 How to Speak Up at Meetings Questions

    • 380 How to Recover from Making a Mistake in a Speech Public Speaking

    • 381 How to Speak Up at Meetings Notes

    • 382 How to to Use a Teleprompter Public Speaking

    • 383 How to Speak Up at Meetings Risk Assessment

    • 384 How to Dress for a Speech Public Speaking

    • 385 How to Speak Up at Meetings Be Conversational

    • 386 How to Give a Sales Presentation Public Speaking

    • 387 How to Speak Up at Meetings Confidence

    • 388 How to Give a Motivational Speech Public Speaking

    • 389 How to Speak Up at Meetings Conclusion

    • 390 How to Sound Conversational in a Speech Public Speaking

  • 28

    Speaking One On One In Business

    • 391 What to Do with Your Hands when Making a Speech Public Speaking

    • 392 How to Give a One on One Presentation Intro

    • 393 How to Use a Lectern or Podium When Giving a Speech Public Speaking

    • 394 How to Give a One on One Presentation Goal

    • 395 How to Use Body Language during a Speech Public Speaking

    • 396 How to Give a One on One Presentation Research the Person

    • 397 How to Make a Toast Public Speaking

    • 399 Using Alcohol to Calm Your Nerves before a Speech Public Speaking

    • 400 How to Give a One on One Presentation Top 5 Messages Part 2

    • 401 Taking Beta-Blockers to Calm Your Nerves Public Speaking

    • 402 How to Give a One on One Presentation Notes

    • 403 How to Deal with People Texting during Your Speech Public Speaking

    • 404 How to Give a One on One Presentation 20 Questions

    • 405 How to Move around while Making a Speech Public Speaking

    • 406 How to Give a One on One Presentation Stories

    • 407 If my allotted time is cut, what should I eliminate Public Speaking

    • 408 How to Give a One on One Presentation Conclusion

    • 409 Should I warn my audience I will be boring Public Speaking

  • 29

    Common Public Speaking Questions/Topics - And Answers (Short Clips)

    • 410 What if You are asked a question You Can_t Answer Public Speaking

    • 411 What is the outcome you want from your presentation Public Speaking

    • 412 A Positive Attitude for Public Speaking Public Speaking

    • 413 Brainstorm Every Topic and Message for Your Speech Public Speaking

    • 414 Can Public Speaking be learned or is it natural born Public Speaking

    • 415 What is Your Water Cooler Message Public Speaking

    • 416 How to Make Prepared Remarks as Good as Your Q and A Public Speaking

    • 417 You Must Communicate with the Head and the Heart Public Speaking

    • 418 Have a Public Speaking Improvement Plan Public Speaking

  • 30

    Public Speaking for Political Candidates

    • 419 ou running for office

    • 420 Candidate Top 3 Messages

    • 421 Candidate Running Against an Incumbent

    • 422 Candidate The Stump Speech

    • 423 Candidate Dealing with the Media

  • 31

    Public Speaking to Persuade

    • 424 Always Select Your Best Persuasion Opportunities and Environments

    • 425 Learning Persuasion Skills to Beat the Naturals

    • 426 Mapping Out Your Finish Line - In Advance!

    • 426 Mapping Out Your Finish Line - In Advance!

    • 427 Moving the Numbers Game To Your Favor

    • 428 The Unique Advantage of Persuasion in the Business World

    • 429 Never Bore With Data Dumps Again

    • 430 Master the Process Of NOT Telling People Too Much About Your Process

    • 431 The 5 Key Messages for Your Persuasion Success

    • 432 Your Secret Source of Winning Persuasion Messages

    • 433 Persuade More By talking Less

    • 434 There is Nothing Like Seeing Your Persuasion Messages in Text

    • 435 More for You, By Not Talking About You

    • 436 Here is How You Get People to Remember Your Messages

    • 437 Ironing Out the Kinks in Your Persuasion Presentation

    • 438 Mastering Persuasive Body Language

    • 439 Persuading Yourself to Go Outside of Your Comfort Zone

    • 440 The Single Best Way to Prepare for All Persuasion Presentation Opportunities

    • 441 Persuasion That Takes 6 Months Is Still Persuasion

    • 442 Persuasion Is Sometimes More Effective At the Top Than At The Bottom

    • 443 Conquering Your Fear To Pitch Again

    • 444 Conclusion You are Now Ready to Persuade!

  • 32

    Speaking to Investors/IPO

    • 445 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show Presentation Intro

    • 446 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show Presentation Goals

    • 447 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show PPT Photos

    • 448 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show Presentation Put PPT to Bed

    • 449 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show Presentation First 2 minutes

    • 450 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show Presentation Content Review

    • 451 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show 1st Video Rehearsal

    • 452 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show Presentation 2nd Video Rehearsal

    • 453 How to Deliver an IPO Road Show Presentation Conclusion

  • 33

    Public Speaking for Women

    • 454 Public Speaking for Women Intro

    • 455 Public Speaking for Women Differences Between Men and Women

    • 456 Public Speaking for Women The Ultimate Goal

    • 457 Public Speaking for Women Don't Lower Your Voice

    • 458 Public Speaking for women Don't End a Sentence with a Question Mark

    • 459 Public Speaking for women Clothing Shoes Hair and Makeup

    • 460 Public Speaking for Women Conclusion

  • 34

    Delivering Financial Presentations

    • 461 How to Give Financial Presentation Intro

    • 462 How to Give a Financial Presentation Goal

    • 463 How to Give a Financial Presentation Messages

    • 464 How to Give a Financial Presentation Stories

    • 465 How to Give a Financial Presentation No PPT for First 2 Minutes

    • 466 How to Give a Financial Presentation PowerPoint Tips

    • 467 How to Give a Financial presentation Draw Conclusions

    • 468 How to Give a Financial Presentation Conclusion

  • 35

    Delivering an Informational Talk

    • 469 How to Give an Informational Speech Intro

    • 470 How to Give an Informational Speech More Ground Rules

    • 471 How to Give an Informational Speech Testing

    • 472 How to Give an Informational Speech Conclusion

  • 36

    Public Speaking on YouTube

    • 473 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-overview-part-1-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 474 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-editorial-focus-part-2mp4

    • 475 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-how-to-start-part-3-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 476 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-style-options-part-4-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

    • 477 how-to-create-a-digital-tv-network-blunders-part-7-starting-a-youtube-channelmp4

  • 37

    Speaking in Job Interviews

    • 478 Establishing Your Job Interview Goals

    • 479 Research and Preparation for the Job Interview

    • 480 How to Dress for the Interview

    • 481 How to Make Small Talk

    • 482 Tell Me About Yourself

    • 483 The Proper Job Interivew Mindset

    • 484 The Strategy Memo

    • 485 Rehearse Your Interview on Video

    • 486 Ask for the Job

  • 38

    Speaking on Sales Videos

    • 487 How to Sell With Online Video Overview

    • 488 How to Sell With Online Video Talking Head Video

    • 489 Looking Your Best on Camera

    • 490 How to Sell with Online Video Proposals

    • 491 How to Sell with Online Video Client Communication

    • 492 How to Sell with Online Video News Analysis

    • 493 How to Sell with Online video Training

    • 494 How to Sell With Onlilne Video Skype

    • 495 How to sell with Online Video Media Pitches

    • 496 How to Sell with Online Video Conclusion

  • 39

    Giving An Acceptance Speech

    • 497 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Intro

    • 498 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Goals

    • 499 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Thank People in a Meaningful Way

    • 500 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Be Entertaining

    • 501 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Watch YouTube Greats

    • 502 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Just the Right Amount of Emotion

    • 503 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Tell a Story

    • 504 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Don't Read a Speech

    • 505 How to Give an Acceptance Speech More Common Blunders

    • 506 How to Give an Acceptance Speech Conclusion

  • 40

    How to Speak at a Funeral - The Eulogy

    • 507 How to Deliver a Eulogy Public Speaking

    • 508 How to Give a Eulogy Overview

    • 509 How to Give a Eulogy One great Strength

    • 510 How to Give a Eulogy Accomplishments

    • 511 How to Give a Eulogy Stories

    • 512 How to Give a Eulogy More Story Sources

    • 513 How to Give a Eulogy Notes

    • 514 How to Give a Eulogy Don't Drink Booze

    • 515 How to Give a Eulogy Emotion

    • 516 How to Give a Eulogy Conclusion

  • 41

    Speaking at a Wedding!

    • 517 Wedding Speech Overview

    • 518 Wedding Speech One Special Thing

    • 519 Wedding Speech Story

    • 520 Wedding Speech What Not to Do

    • 521 Wedding Speech Booze

    • 522 Wedding Speech Focus on Bride and Groom

    • 523 Wedding Speech conclusion

  • 42

    How to Deliver a Ceremonial Speech

    • 524 How to Give a Ceremonial Speech Intro

    • 525 How to Give a Ceremonial Speech Why it Matters

    • 526 How to Give a Ceremonial Speech Read Large Font

    • 527 How to Give a Ceremonial Speech It's Not About You

    • 528 How to Give a Ceremonial Speech Don't talk about honor or nerves

    • 529 How to Give a Ceremonial Speech Volume

    • 530 How to Give a Ceremonial Speech Don't Rush

    • 531 How to Give a Ceremonial Speech Conclusion

  • 43

    How to Give a Retirement Speech

    • 532 How to Give a Retirement Speech Intro

    • 533 How to Give a Retirement Speech 3 Events from Career

    • 534 How to Give a Retirement Speech Outline

    • 535 How to Give a Retirement Speech 1st Video Rehearsal

    • 536 How to Give a Retirement Speech Final Tips

  • 44

    Delivering a New Business Pitch

    • 537 How to Give a New Business Pitch Presentation Intro

    • 538 How to Give a New Business Pitch Presentation Goal

    • 539 How to Give a New Business Pitch Presentation Top 5 Messages

  • 45

    Bonus Videos

    • 540 Media Training - The Complete Media Training Video Course

    • 543 How to Use Humor in a Speech Public Speaking

    • 542 Crisis Communications _ The Complete Crisis Communications Overview

    • 547 PowerPoint Essentials in Less than One Minute Public Speaking

    • 546 Should I use PowerPoint Slides in my Presentation Public Speaking

  • 46


    • 548 Conclusion to the Whole Darn Course!