Course curriculum

  • 1

    You Will Become a Master Storyteller!

    • 1 Quick Win! Here is Where to Find Great Stories

    • 2 What to Cut When Time is Short

    • 3 The Perfect Way to Start Every Presentation

    • 7 Trick for Getting Your Audience to Ignore All Your Mistakes and Flaws

    • 6 The Secret to Creating Great Stories

    • 4 If You Aren't a Natural Born Storyteller, You Need to Watch This

    • 5 The Only Thing Every Great Speaker Has In Common

    • 8 The Difference Between Storytelling for Professionals v Theatrical Performers

    • 9 The Biggest Decision You Will Ever Make About Your Storytelling Future

  • 2

    These Elements Are a Part of Every Great Story

    • 10 Assembling the Basic Build Blocks of Your Stories

    • 11 The Real Reason We Are Telling These Stories Is...

    • 12 Your Characters will Come ALIVE

    • 13 Even Deeper Character Development

    • 14 You Can Be the Star of Your Own Show

    • 15 Here is Where All the Action Takes Place

    • 16 Why Nobody Wants to Hear About Your Happy Family

    • 17 Dialogue will Bring Your Stories to Life

    • 18 Sharing Feelings IS Professional

    • 19 Lights! Action! (And no Camera)

    • 22 Surprise!

    • 20 Put the Audience On Their Edge of Their Seats

    • 21 It's OK Not to Love Storytelling

    • 23 End with a Bang!

    • 24 Tie Your Message to Your Story

    • 25 Extra Ingredients for A Spicy Story

  • 3

    The Easy Way to Have 100% Confidence In Your Stories, But You Might Not Like It!

    • 26 The Clean, Dirty Little Secret

    • 27 This Is the Way To Practice Your Story For Maximum Impact

    • 28 Your Turn

    • 29 Did You Really Do The Last Homework Assignment

  • 4

    Select the Winning Message for Your Audience

    • 30 Not All Messages Are Created Equal

    • 31 This Is the Story That Will Motivate Your Audience to Action

    • 32 Don't Be Greedy! One Handful Only Please!

    • 33 Building a Strong The Frame for Your Stories

    • 34 Matching Your Stories to Your Audiences

    • 35 Make Sure Your Audience Can Relate to Your Story

    • 36 Sure, It's OK to Tell Other People's Stories

    • 37 You Don't Always Have to Have a Happy Ending

    • 38 End On a Positive Note

    • 39 A Turtle and a Rabbit

  • 5

    The Story Behind Stories

    • 40 Why We Tell Stories

    • 41 The Ultimate Test for Your Story

    • 42 Winning the Credibility Factor

    • 43 Don't Forget, You Are a Natural Storyteller

    • 44 The Real Danger Most Speakers Face

    • 45 This Is Where Your Best Stories Have Been Hiding

    • 46 Yes, There Was Communication Invented Before Texting

    • 47 What You Don't Know About Bad Stories

    • 48 Storytelling Your Way to Power

  • 6

    Don't Gamble On Your Stories. Test Them Instead.

    • 49 Testing Your Stories and Keeping Only the Winners

    • 50 You Have to Like Your Own Stories

    • 51 The Free Digital Focus Group for Your Stories

    • 52 Testing On Those Who Really Matter

  • 7

    The Stagecraft of Storytelling

    • 53 Your Mouth AND Your Body Have a Story to Tell

    • 54 Great Body Language for Your Presentations

    • 55 Never Let These Two Classic Body Language Blunders Slow You Down

    • 56 Big Picture - Make Everyone You Work With Feel Comfortable Working With You

    • 57 Your Nerves Will Never Show Again in the Workplace

    • 58 You'll Never Fall for These Body Language Myths Again

    • 59 Here Is Exactly What to Do With Your Hands

    • 60 The Composed, Confident Video Star

    • 61 Never Spotlight Your Blunders and Mistakes Again

    • 62 You are Now Ready for Prime Time TV

    • 63 The Number 1 Tip for Curing Body Language Problems Is...

    • 64 The Real Way to Improve Your Body Language Confidence

    • 65 Confident Briefing to Colleagues and Others

    • 66 Keynote Speeches Will Showcase Your Calm and Confidence

    • 67 Use a TelePrompTer Like a Network News Anchor

    • 68 Making Sure Your Clothes Are Communicating Your Positive Story

    • 69 Your Body Language Partner - The Friendly Spotter

  • 8

    9 Nobody Every Complained About a Speaker for Being Too Funny

    • 79 Having the Most Fun Possible in Your Story

    • 80 Make Fun of Yourself

    • 81 You Aren't Jerry Seinfeld

    • 82 Your Comedy Laboratory

    • 83 Your Worst Moments Are Comedy Gold

    • 84 Don't Seem Like You Are Trying Too Hard

    • 85 Avoiding the Hack

    • 86 Showing the Fun

    • 87 Your Humorous Voice

    • 88 The Funny Self-Talker

    • 89 The Bottom Line on Humor

    • 90 Your Humorous Story

  • 9

    Advanced Tips on Storytelling

    • 97 Let's Take Things Up a Notch

    • 98 The Best Written Stories Are Often Not Written At All

    • 99 Read Your Audience

    • 100 Make Your Audience a Part of Your Story

    • 101 Tell Me Something New

    • 102 Complexity Makes Your Characters More Interesting

    • 103 Share the Pain

    • 104 The Story Image Lives On

    • 105 Where Is This Going

    • 106 Here Is The Best Way to Thank People

    • 107 A New Twist on An Old Story

    • 108 Abstraction Is Your Enemy

    • 109 Show N Tell, Not Just Tell

    • 110 All Five Senses

    • 111 Increase the Tension

    • 112 Think Like a Movie Director, Not a Typist

    • 113 Be Active, Not Passive

    • 114 Just Tell the Story Already

    • 115 No, You Don't Want to Be Concise

    • 116 Want People Say They Want Is Not Necessarily What They Want

    • 117 Order Matters

    • 118 Make Your Hero Relatable

    • 119 Stories Make Advice Less Annoying

    • 120 Leave People Feeling Up About Something

    • 121 The Motivation of Your Hero

  • 10

    Avoid These Common Storytelling Blunders

    • 91 Don't Do This

    • 92 The Biggest Blunder of All

    • 93 Don't Cut That

    • 94 Should Be Obvious, But Is Not

    • 95 Less Is Not Always More

    • 96 More Is Sometimes Less

  • 11

    13 Frequently Asked Questions About Storytelling

    • 131 Your Questions Are Answered Here

    • 132 How Long Should a Story Be

    • 133 What Is the Best Way to Start a Story

    • 134 Can You Make Up a Story

    • 135 Should You Memorize a Story

    • 136 How Do You Remember Your Stories

    • 137 Is It Ever a Bad Idea to Tell a Story

    • 138 Can a Story Backfire

    • 139 What Is the Maximum Number of Stories You Can Use

    • 140 Ask Your Questions Anytime

  • 12

    17 Bonus Video Section

    • 270 Thank You to One of My Mentors Bill Gove

    • 271 Classic TJ on Stories

  • 13

    19 Conclusion to The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & Presenting

    • 272 One Last Chance

    • 273 Continue to Watch Great Storytellers Regularly

    • 274 Curate Your Own Personal Library of Stories

    • 275 Conclusion Best Wishes for a Lifetime of Great Stories