Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session 1

    • Start Here How to Get the Most Out of this Course

    • Session 1 Fundamentals of a High Stakes Presentation

    • Session 1 Homework Assignment

  • 2

    Session 2

    • Sesson 2 How to Structure Your Presentation

    • Session 2 Homework

  • 3

    Session 3

    • Session 3 The Art of Storytelling

    • Session 3 Story Homework

  • 4

    Session 4

    • Session 4 PowerPoint

    • Session 4 PPT Homework

  • 5

    Session 5

    • Session 5 Testing Your Presentation

    • Session 5 Testing Homework

  • 6

    Session 6

    • Session 6 Speaking to Large Audiences

    • Session 6 Large Audience Homework

  • 7

    Session 7

    • Session 7 Virtual Presentation Skills

    • Session 7 Homework Virtual Presentations

  • 8

    Session 8

    • Session 8 Advanced Tips

    • Session 8 Advanced Tips Homework

  • 9


    • High Stakes Presenter Conclusion