How to Give a Team Presentation
Learn how to give interesting and memorable presentations, as a group. You don't have to give boring data dumps
In this "How to Give Team Presentations" course, you will learn how to develop messages, make team assignments, and practice your presentations, as a team. Most team presentations are dreadful and boring because executives tell themselves "I'm now giving a team presentation, so of course, we all have to read boring bullet point messages off of a PowerPoint slide because that is how serious business people do things." This is a fallacy. TJ Walker is an expert presentation coach who has prepped and rehearsed executives from major corporations and institutions around the world on how to make better team presentations.
Every team presentation has the chance of making a great impression, no impression or a bad impression. Isn't it time you figured out how to make the most of every group presentation opportunity that you and your colleagues face?
TJ Walker
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Individual Prep
Group PowerPoint
First Rehearsal
Second Rehearsal
Third Rehearsal
Secret to Foolproof Presentations
Public Speaking Success