How to Speak on Radio
You can speak effectively and with confidence on any talk radio or news radio program
How to Speak on Radio
In this "How to Speak on Radio" course you will learn how to talk effectively and be interviewed on a news or talk radio program. Speaking on the radio is a form of public speaking and most people fear public speaking. This course will help you come across your very best in every interview, so you won't have to worry about whether you sound nervous or uncomfortable. Students will learn about the following items:
1. Messaging
2. Sound bites
3. Differences between TV and radio
4. How to deal with difficult hosts
5. Ins and outs of talk show callers
6. ways of getting invited back on the program.
7. How to sell or promote on every talk show appearance.
TJ Walker has hosted talk radio shows on 7 different national networks and has been a guest on more than 2000 news talk radio programs. He has also conducted training sessions around the globe for authors and experts about to go on radio tours.
TJ Walker
Overview for Radio Interviews
Goals for Every Interview
Sound Bites
Good Guest
Studio versus Phones
Ready for Attacks
Advanced Tip Promo
1st Rehearsal
2nd Rehearsal
3rd Rehearsal
Air Checks
Media Training A to Z
Media Training A to Z
Media Training Success