Course Description

Learn to Master the Media. This course features Live Video Training with TJ Walker plus personalized critiques of your homework videos. This is the most comprehensive online media training course in the world. You will know how to look great on camera, create media messages, answer questions and speak in sound bites when you complete this course.

President, Media Training Worldwide

TJ Walker

TJ Walker is the founder of Media Training Worldwide and has been conducting public speaking training workshops and seminars since 1984. Walker has trained Presidents of countries, Prime Ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Super Bowl winners, U.S. Senators, Miss Universes and Members of Parliament.His book, "Secret to Foolproof Presentations" was a USA Today #1 Bestseller, as well as a Wall Street Journal, and Business Week Bestseller.  A frequent network news communications analyst, Walker has made more than 2000 network TV and radio appearances on CBS, ABC, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, CNN, Bloomberg TV, Al Jazeera, NBC, CCTV, Fox Business, HLN, TrueTV, Comedy Central, Sirius and NPR.In 2009, Walker entered the Guinness Book Of World Records for most talk show appearances ever in a 24 hour period. Yearly, Walker has more than a quarter of a million views of his public speaking tips videos on social media platforms.Walker is also the author of "Media Training A-Z" and "Media Training Success." Walker is also the producer/host The Facebook Page "TJ Walker - Speak to Influence" a source of daily public speaking training videos, tips and inspiration. He is also a past president of the National Speakers Association, New York City.Walker is the most prolific producer of presentation skills online training courses in the world, with more than 100 separate courses. He has more than 50,000 students enrolled from 172 countries.Walker was a merit scholar at Duke University where he graduated magna cum laude. He has lectured or conducted trainings at Yale University, Columbia University and Princeton University.***“TJ Walker’s single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media.” Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg Television“TJ Walker is the leading media trainer in the world.” Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer“The world’s leading presentation and media training firm.” Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Channel Anchor“To break through the cluttered media environment, it's important to get your message out in a clear and concise way. TJ knows how to do it and gives you the tips to succeed."

Course curriculum

  • 1

    You CAN Communicate Your Message to The World

    • You Can MASTER The Media

    • Note: This Course Will Require "Flash" on Your Computer or Cell Phone in Order to Record and Watch Videos

    • Reminder to Sign up for the LIVE Video Component of the Course

    • Know What Quotes Will Be Used by the Media BEFORE You Say Them

    • The Ultimate Course Guarantee - You Will Become a Media MASTER

    • TJ Will Personally ANSWER Your Questions In Video

    • Please Let Me Introduce You to Your Personal Media Training Coach

    • Feedback

    • Your REAL Agenda for Being Here

    • Watching a Future Media SUPERSTAR

  • 2

    You Can Look Your Best In Every Single Interview

    • This Guy Looks RIDICULOUS

    • Sit This Way to Look Tall and LEAN

    • This Is Where You LOOK To Not Appear Shady

    • The Face Tells All

    • A Frozen Face Only Works On SNOWMEN

    • This Body Language Secret Is Super EASY

    • Busting the MYTH of Distracting HAND Motion

    • Save the DANCE Steps for Later

    • Standing Like You Are NOT In Police Lineup

    • CLOTHES Make or Break the Man or Woman

    • Why MAKEUP Is NEVER Optional

    • Now It is Your TURN

    • Be a Harsh Yet FAIR TV Critic

    • The ONE Thing

    • One Improvement Is All You Need

    • Print Out This Form for Your Next Exercise

  • 3

    Develop A Razor-Sharp Message

    • You Are Not The Message - Your Message is the MESSAGE

    • Answer the Reporter's Questions BEFORE They Get Asked

    • Your Messages Should Be Important to YOU

    • Your AUDIENCE Must Care

    • It is YOUR Job To Make You Look Good

    • THREE Is the Magic Number

    • Your Messages Must Fit Inside a VENN Diagram

    • Your Turn - What is YOUR Message

    • Record Your Message To Try it On for Size

    • Would You Buy What This Person Is SELLING

    • Record, REFINE and Improve Your Message

  • 4

    Answering Questions on YOUR Terms

    • How To Answer Questions Like a True World Leader

    • Reminder - TJ Will Answer ALL of Your Questions Here

    • Be Lazy - Answer Just ONE Question At a Time

    • CHEAT Your Way to Success in Every Interview

    • Don't Be Painted as a CROOK, A Liar or a Spouse Abuser

    • One Great Answer is I DON'T Know

    • Dodging Questions is Awful, REWRITING questions is Fine

    • It's OK to REPEAT Yourself, It's OK to REPEAT Yourself, It's OK to REPEAT Yourself

    • It's SHOWTIME

    • Print Out This Form For Your Next Exercise

    • Grading Your Interview By the NUMBERS

  • 5

    Learning a Paint By Numbers System for Creating Perfect Sound Bites

    • Everybody Talks About SOUNDBITES, But What Are They

    • Bold Action-Oriented Words Are Loved by Reporters

    • Feelings, Nothing More then FEELINGS

    • For EXAMPLE Is a Magical Phrase

    • CLICHES Are Lazy Writing But Great for Getting Quotes

    • ABSOLUTES, Always, Never or Must Bring Clarity

    • Pow, Bam, Slam Holy ATTACKS Batman

    • JOKING Your Way Into the Story

    • RHETORICAL Questions Are a NIce Change of Pace

    • ANALOGIES Are LIke Fresh Vegetables, They Are Good for You

    • You Are LIke The Best, Worst Movie, Sport Team, Singer

    • These Three Soundbite ELEMENTS Are the Easiest

    • What Makes This Soundbite Good for You

    • There Are 5 Possible OUTCOMES For Every Interview You Do

    • Become a Soundbite FACTORY

    • Become a Soundbite FACTORY

    • Let's Try On Your Soundbites for SIZE

    • Let's Try On Your Soundbites for SIZE

  • 6

    Higher Levels Of Media Mastery

    • Creating Your Media Skill STEW

    • Criticize, Criticize, CRITICIZE

    • The Perfect Number of REHEARSALS on Video Is...

    • YouTube Your Way to Prominence

    • You Don't Have to Look Awful on SKYPE Video if You Do These Things

    • FACEBOOK Live Video Will Get You IN Front of Your Home Team

    • The #1 Media Training TIP In the World

    • Reminder to Attend Your Final LIVE Training Session with TJ

    • You Are READY for ALL Future Media Interviews

    • Your Turn - What Did You Learn

    • Receive a Personalized CRITIQUE of Your Next Media Interview

  • 7

    Bonus Reading

    • Media Training A to Z

    • Media Training Success

  • 8

    Additional Resources

    • More Online Courses at No Charge