Course Description

Freelancing done right creates the ultimate in employment and career stability. You can be your own boss. And you can be a well-paid freelancer with full benefits, IF you build your freelancing business right. From the ground up.

It doesn't matter whether you are creating or running a copywriting business or a web design business. It doesn't matter if you are a home business or on the road constantly. If you want a successful freelancing career, you must follow core business fundamentals that position  you to soar! This course will teach you how.

Being a successful freelancer in today's gig economy isn't just about having slick copywriting for your offer on Fiverr and Upwork (though that isn't a bad start), it is about a long-term positioning and strategy that allows you to build financial as well as intellectual capital. 

To some, freelancing means instability and low wages. To you, after taking this course, freelancing will mean high income, career stability, industry influence, and the power to call your own shots.

This course will teach you how to establish a strong foundation for your freelancing career so that you can continually grow, increase fees, attract better customers and clients, and command respect from all you deal with.     

Whether you are an accidental freelancer or one entering the field on purpose, this course will provide you with shortcuts to success. Nothing good happens overnight, but you don't have to go through a multi-year, trial-and-error process before coming up with a system that works for you and your lifestyle.    

Freelancing done poorly can make you end up feeling like an over-tired, stressed, impoverished indentured servant. Freelancing done the right way can give you a lifestyle of creative and professional control coupled with financial freedom.    

Message from the instructor 

      "I've been a full-time freelancer for the last 25 years. The freelancing existence has led to the lifestyle of my dreams. I've traveled the         world, worked from home, been paid handsomely and generated profits that paid for all I could ever want. It wasn't easy at first, but I can teach you the fastest way to position yourself for both short-term long-term success." TJ Walker

You can get clients to call you and ask for your availability

You can get clients to realize the full value of your experience and expertise

You can give yourself a raise every year.

You can give yourself full benefits

You can give yourself vacations

You can create long-term economic stability without fear of ever getting fired

President, Media Training Worldwide

TJ Walker

TJ Walker is the founder of Media Training Worldwide and has been conducting public speaking training workshops and seminars since 1984. Walker has trained Presidents of countries, Prime Ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Super Bowl winners, U.S. Senators, Miss Universes and Members of Parliament.His book, "Secret to Foolproof Presentations" was a USA Today #1 Bestseller, as well as a Wall Street Journal, and Business Week Bestseller.  A frequent network news communications analyst, Walker has made more than 2000 network TV and radio appearances on CBS, ABC, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, CNN, Bloomberg TV, Al Jazeera, NBC, CCTV, Fox Business, HLN, TrueTV, Comedy Central, Sirius and NPR.In 2009, Walker entered the Guinness Book Of World Records for most talk show appearances ever in a 24 hour period. Yearly, Walker has more than a quarter of a million views of his public speaking tips videos on social media platforms.Walker is also the author of "Media Training A-Z" and "Media Training Success." Walker is also the producer/host The Facebook Page "TJ Walker - Speak to Influence" a source of daily public speaking training videos, tips and inspiration. He is also a past president of the National Speakers Association, New York City.Walker is the most prolific producer of presentation skills online training courses in the world, with more than 100 separate courses. He has more than 50,000 students enrolled from 172 countries.Walker was a merit scholar at Duke University where he graduated magna cum laude. He has lectured or conducted trainings at Yale University, Columbia University and Princeton University.***“TJ Walker’s single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media.” Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg Television“TJ Walker is the leading media trainer in the world.” Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer“The world’s leading presentation and media training firm.” Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Channel Anchor“To break through the cluttered media environment, it's important to get your message out in a clear and concise way. TJ knows how to do it and gives you the tips to succeed."

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Become a Winning Freelancer in the Modern Gig Era of Fiverr and Upwork

    • Quick Wins! How Your Proposal Can Beat The Competition Every Time!

    • Time To Get REAL

    • This Is Exactly What Your Freelance Business Should Focus On

    • Speed Is the Way to Your Success

    • Decide Which of the Three Primary Freelancers You Want to Be

    • Preventing Short-Term Thinking from Destroying Your Freelancing Career

    • Developing a Freelancer Mentality Rather Than an Employee Mentality

    • Why the Most Important Capital for Your Freelance Business Isn't Money

    • Know Exactly What Sort of Relationship Your Client Is Looking For

    • How to Know Whether You Really Want to Be a Freelancer or a Full-Time Employee

  • 2

    WE Are All Freelancers in the 21st Century

    • Rule Number 1 of The Successful Freelancer Club, Never Talk About...

    • You Now Truly Know What Freelancing Is

    • The Golden Age of Freelancing is NOW

    • You Never Know When a Self-Promotional Opportunity Might Pop Up

    • Crashing the Barriers to Entry

    • The Pros and Cons of Freelancing

    • For Better or Worse, Everyone Now Has a Global Reputation

    • In the Future, We Will All Be Freelancers and For More Than 15 Minutes

    • The Freelance Lifestyle Of Your Dreams

    • You WANT People to Tell You That You Are Too Expensive

    • Your ONE BIG Revenue Driver

    • The Best Time to Start a Freelance Business

    • Yes You CAN Have Full Benefits

    • The Exact Right Time to Quit Your Day Job

    • The Psychological Profile Of the Successful Freelancer

    • You Can Conquer Your Neighborhood, Your City, Your Country or the World

    • You Are NOT a Home-Based Business You Are A Customer-Based Business

    • Why Should You Listen to TJ Walker Talk About a Freelance Career

  • 3

    Selecting the Perfect Freelancing Niche for You

    • Finding Your Ideal Niche In the Freelance World

    • Finding the Best Markets

    • Positioning Your World Class Expertise

    • Saving Your Clients Time and Pain Will Bring You Prosperity

    • Unlocking Secrets of Your Niche By Talking to Your Competitors

    • Unless You Are Growing Corn You Must Avoid Being a Commodity

    • Being Number 1 Isn't Just a Sporting Chant

    • Finding the Right Evergreen Niche

    • Avoiding the Discount Bin

    • Finding What Is Truly Distinctive About You

    • Meeting the Low-End Market With Inexpensive Products, But Not Your Time

    • Make Sure You Are Happy To Talk About Your Niche

    • Specialize Specialize Specialize

    • Selling Service or Selling Products or Selling Both

    • Passing the Friends and Family Test

  • 4

    Become a True Expert in Your Field

    • Quickly Becoming a True Expert

    • Creating a Cycle of Constant Improvement

    • Get to Know Your Role Model

    • Follow Your Friendly and Unfriendly Competitors

    • Master of Opposition Research

    • The Constant Creative Difference

  • 5

    The World MUST Know Where and How to Find You

    • Your REAL Job Is NOT What You Think It Is

    • Yes, Even a One Person Freelance Business Needs a Website

    • Learn Where Successful Freelancers In Your Field Do Their Marketing

    • Painting a Picture of Your Ideal Buyer

    • Advanced Marketing Tip Create Video Proposals for Clients

    • Know Where Your Customers Hang Out and Then Hang Out There Too

    • Crawl Into the Skin of Your Customer

    • Getting Other People to Sing Your Praises

    • Finding the Pond Where Your Customers Go Fishing

    • Selling to Corporations or Consumers, Making the Right Bet

    • Pushing the Right Buttons With Your Clients

    • An Elevator Pitch That Gets You to The Top Floor

    • The World Is Your Oyster AND Your Client Base

    • The Boring Database Best Friend

    • The Ultimate Secret Marketing Tool Extremely Happy Customers Who Can't Stop

  • 6

    Curing Technophobia Once and For All

    • If You Can Use a Toaster or a Cell Phone, You Are a Technology Expert

    • Skype Your Way Into Clients' Hearts

    • Google Adwords On a Tight, Focused Budget

    • Simple Talking Head Video To Spread Your Message

    • SEO Working For You and Not Against You

  • 7

    You Are A Media Company

    • Become a Content Machine Quickly and Easily

    • Using Your Content to Spin Gold, Not Just Spin Your Wheels

    • Writing a Book Won't Make You Rich And Famous, But It Will Decrease Your Chances

    • Gaining Expertise Through YouTube and Podcasts

    • The Lazy Easy Way to Make Content for Your Freelance Business

    • Creating Content Regularly Forces You to Grow and Improve

    • YouTube Your Way to Higher fees and Steady Clients

    • Going From Social Media Time Suck to Social Media Strategy

    • Blogging Your Way to Higher Paying Clients

    • Email Newsletters Are Old, Boring AND Effective

    • Make Money By Teaching Others How To Do What You Do - Online

    • Here is an Example of a Long Video I Use to Market my Freelance Media Training

    • Here Is Another Example of Long-form YouTube Video I have used to Generate Leads

    • Start Your Media Company Today

  • 8

    Getting Paid Want You Want and Deserve

    • Getting Paid The Nuts and Bolts Of Your Freelance Business

    • The Nastiest Word In the World Discount

    • Getting It In Writing If You Really Want to Get Paid

    • The Price is Right

    • Make It Really Easy For Your Clients to Pay You

    • Give Yourself a Pay Raise Every Single Year

    • Training and Firing Your Clients

  • 9

    Nobody Will Ever Think of You as a Flake

    • Avoid Being Seen as a Flake

    • Your Marketing and Branding Doesn't Stop Once the Customer Has Hired You

    • Why a Business Card Isn't Just for Old Fogeys

    • Being Professional And Avoiding the Flake Label

    • Here Is How You Look the Part

    • Saving What Your Clients Value More Than Even Money Their Time

    • Communicate the Way Your Customers Want to Communicate Not How You Like to communicate

    • Creating a Workflow for Yourself and Your Clients

  • 10

    Mastering the Blank Calendar

    • Secrets To Filling An Empty Calendar

  • 11

    These Nuts and Bolts Will Make You Sink or Swim

    • Accountants and Bookkeepers Will Save You Money

    • Count Every Single Penny In and Out of Your Business

    • Financial Advisers For a Strong Foundation

    • The Most Successful Freelancers Use Freelancers

    • The Biggest Mistakes You Don't Want to Make

  • 12

    Using Video to Star Power Your Freelancing Career on Fiverr, Upwork, & Facebook

    • Making Video the Freelancer's Best Friend

    • The Video Advantage In All Your Proposals - Quick Win!

    • Hype Versus Reality - Why Most People Never Create Simple Video

    • Mastering the Human Side Of Looking and Sounding Your Best on Video

    • How This course Will Improve Your Business

    • Your Proposals will Stand Head and Shoulders Above Your Competitors

    • Your Clients Will Find You Their Most Responsive Partner Ever

    • Your Website Can Be Video-Centric

    • Now You Can Answer Frequently Asked Questions Just Once!

    • Talk Your Customers Through Your Whole Business Process

    • Have an Even Greater Presence on YouTube

    • Speak Your Thought Leadership

    • Your Exciting Video Newsletters Will Outshine Text Newsletters

    • Your Client Video Testimonials Will Prove Your Credibility Beyond a Doubt

    • Facebook Live Will Never Scare You Again

    • Project Your Best Face on Skype and Zoom

    • Deliver Keynote Speeches Without Ever Leaving Home

    • Drastically Reduce Your Time Training Employees and Others

    • Anything You Can Type You Can Now Speak on Video

  • 13

    The Ultimate Freelancing Gig - Professional Speaking

    • The Freelancer's Most Powerful, Secret Marketing Tool Ever - A Great Speech

    • Quick Wins! Appear to Speak Without Notes, Practice Techniques, and How to Start

    • You Can Fulfill Your Exact Public Speaking Goals Once You Identify Them

    • Look Supremely Comfortable and Confident Every Time You Speak

    • Use the Eye Contact Tricks of the Masters

    • Learn to Like and Even Love the Sound of Your Own Voice

    • Starting Your Speech At Exactly the Right Spot

    • Become a Five for Five 100% Speaking Success

    • A Trick 1000 Times More Effective Than Practicing In Front of A Mirror

    • Every Great Speaker Uses These...Every Awful Speaker Avoids These

    • Professional Analysis Of Your Stories Now

    • Give Life to Ideas With Your PowerPoint, Not Death

    • Use 1 Idea to Make Your Slides #1

    • Passing the Ultimate Public Speaking Test With Flying Colors

    • Testing Your Speech With Focus Groups For Free

    • More Evidence That Your Speech Is Working

    • More Is Sometimes More When It Comes To Public Speaking

  • 14

    Section on Storytelling

    • The Story of Your Freelancing Business Is...

    • Quick Win! Here is Where to Find Great Stories

    • What to Cut When Time is Short

    • The Perfect Way to Start Every Presentation

    • If You Aren't a Natural Born Storyteller, You Need to Watch This

    • The Only Thing Every Great Speaker Has In Common

    • The Secret to Creating Great Stories

    • Trick for Getting Your Audience to Ignore All Your Mistakes and Flaws

    • The Difference Between Storytelling for Professionals v Theatrical Performers

    • The Biggest Decision You Will Ever Make About Your Storytelling Future

    • Assembling the Basic Build Blocks of Your Stories

    • The Real Reason We Are Telling These Stories Is...

    • Your Characters will Come ALIVE

    • Even Deeper Character Development

    • You Can Be the Star of Your Own Show

    • Here is Where All the Action Takes Place

    • Why Nobody Wants to Hear About Your Happy Family

    • Dialogue will Bring Your Stories to Life

    • Sharing Feelings IS Professional

    • Lights! Action! (And no Camera)

    • Put the Audience On Their Edge of Their Seats

    • It's OK Not to Love Storytelling

    • Surprise!

    • End with a Bang!

    • Tie Your Message to Your Story

    • Extra Ingredients for A Spicy Story

  • 15

    Here Are My Stories that I Use to Sell My Freelancing Services

    • A Masterclass in Storytelling

    • Presenting the WRONG Way to the Media

    • Clintonian Eye Contact

    • My Zombie Client

    • Teaching Clients NOT to Act

    • Surrounded by Machine Guns!

    • The Crying Beauty Pageant Winner

    • You Never Have to Lurk In the Shadows Again

    • The Fluttering Bird Flying to Nowhere

    • 'I Can't do This' Becomes 'I Can Do This'

    • My First Time on TV as 'The Fonz'

    • Speaking To a Small Audience of 5,000 People

    • My Worst Presentation Ever!

    • I Was The Skunk At the Party

    • Fearlessness Is Often the Best PR Tool

    • King for a Day

    • TJ And the Cat Lady

    • Why Did You Wear That Ugly Tie

    • Less Is More

    • The Missing Link

    • A Nobel Experience

    • The Fetal Position

    • On My Hands And Knees Begging!

    • Yes, My Stint on Reality TV

    • Brought Down to Earth

    • My Stagecoach to Pumpkin Moment

    • Me and Ben Affleck

    • Pre-YouTube Days Driving to One TV Station At a Time

    • Familiarity Breeds Contempt

    • Ups and Downs and Ups and Downs

    • The Least Listened To Talk Show Host Ever

    • Nothing Beats a Good Gimmick

    • Sometimes, Experience Just Means You Are Old

    • Some Media Stars Are Approachable

    • You Will Never Guess One Early Role Model

    • Waiting Til the Last Minute Is Always a Bad Idea

    • Treated Like a King...And a Mark

    • A Complete and Total Meltdown

    • There Is Always Time for Anything Important

    • Me and Mr. Rogers in '68

    • Presenters Don't Get Paid What They Are Worth, They Get Paid What They Ask For

    • Nobody Knows Anything

    • Riveted...On a Dairy Farm

    • The World's Worst Vacuum Cleaner Salesman

    • The Wrong Fit

    • The Lowest Arena for Presentation Skills

    • Presentation Skills On Video Will Sell You

    • Showing Up On Time and Avoiding Drama

    • It Can't Get Any Worse Than This

    • Diamonds And Gold for You!

    • Larry King's Public Speaking Secret

    • A Story I Don't Tell Anywhere Else But Here

    • The Best Worst Presentation I Ever Saw

    • And The Winner of The Worst Dressed Award Is...

    • This Superstar Is So Happy To See Me

    • Going Into a Talking Career By Being Told 'Don't Talk'

    • My First and Favorite Motivational Speaker

    • Some People Just Watch To Hear You Present For The Entertainment

    • Cult Leaders Have Great Presentation Skills

    • TJ the Carnival Barker!

    • The Show Must Go On

  • 16

    Bonus Reading Section - Books to Help You Promote Your Freelance Business

    • 1001_Ways_to_Wow_the_Media

    • Essential-Presentation-Skills-Checklist

    • MediaTrainingA-Z

    • Secret to Foolproof Presentations

    • Public Speaking Success - How Anyone Can Become A Better Presenter

    • Media Training Success - How Anyone Can Become A Media Pro

  • 17


    • The Feedback Continual Improvement Loop In Practice

    • Your Future As a Successful Freelancer Is Bright